We have gotten some great snow storms lately! I don't really like it. The kids had 3 extra days off at halloween time, and they all missed their parties:(
Yesterday they were delayed and hour because it was too cold outside. We have had highs of 2 degrees lately. Today it is a whopping 26! It is supposed to warm up sometime.
That is Zack the snow is up to his knees.This is the trail that the kids made to their friends house. I don't like having a split rail fence, but it is nice they can go to their friends house easily:) The kids have had a lot of fun going to their house and having the neighbors come to our house.
You are not seeing things Jesse is holding a dog! The kids have been begging to get a dog. Chase has been telling me all the things that I need to buy for the dog. I thought about getting one for them, but wondered if I could handle it. Someone from Rob's work offered to let us take her hypoallergenic does for a few days. The kids were so excited. Those poor dogs didn't get put down for a minute!
This little one had to take a nap a few hours after she arrived. She started to bark and snip at the kids if they touched her. You will notice that Zack is in none of the pictures. He didn't like them at all. Sadly I had to give them back after only 1 short day. My asthma started up. I they were not so hypoallergenic after all. I'm glad it was a lot of work and they pooed all over the play room floor MORE THAN ONCE!!!
Chase cried when we gave the dogs back! I felt so bad for him. Later after we got home I found more dog poop on the floor and was glad they were gone.Chase's class got to carve pumpkins. I was able to come and help out.
2 days ago