Well both Zack and Chase need to have their tonsils out! We knew for a long time that Zack needed this done. His tonsils are ALWAYS swollen. He gags on food a lot and now he can throw up so easily now so we made the apt to have him looked at. Chase has been showing some signs of needed them out as well so we went in today. Zack will have his surgery on August 6th. Chase's will be in Sept. when he is off track. I am not looking forward to the surgeries, but it's good to get it done when they are young. The funny thing today was when we pulled up at the doctors office (which is inside the hospital) Zack asked me if I was going to get a baby PUT into my tummy today! So funny how the birds and the bees are different at my house:)
3 days ago
You'll have to look down M's throat! Maybe I will get brave and gross and post a picture of his throat on my blog! He needs his out too.
Tyler and Elliot both had their's out Jen, it's a major surgery, but just talk a lot to the Dr, make sure you get a good feeling about him too-I also had both boys get a blessing before they went in. They've both been healthy as a horse(and the rest of the family for that matter) ever since they had the proceedures. Also, Elliot had his tongue clipped and ear tubes put in at the same time.
We'll be praying for them both!
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