I have been tagged twice, but life is so busy that I will do this one first and then the other one tomorrow ( I hope)
my 3 favorite
What are the last three things you purchased?
2. kids winter clothes
3. Halloween costume for Zack ( I got the other kids theirs 2 weeks ago I usually wait until the last day and get what is left. We were on the ball this year)
What are the last three songs you downloaded for your ipod?
I don't have one. Rob does. I like music, but I am to cheap to buy it!
What are your three favorite movies?
1. Top Gun
2. Batman Returns
3. Anything that makes me cry:)
What are three things you have not done yet?
1. made my bed
2. ironed
3. put laundry away
What are three things you can not live without?(excluding people)
1. my computer
2. cell phone
3. my car
What are your three favorite dishes?
1. anything mexican
2. fajitas
3. Chocolate dessert
What are your three favorite T.V. shows?
1. Jon and Kate plus 8
2. Criminal Minds
3. anything reality
What are the last three places you traveled to that were more than one hundred miles away?
1. Hawaii
2. Washington DC
3. Utah
What are your three favorite desserts?
1. Chocolate anything
2. Brownies with ice cream
3. Cookies
What are three things you would buy if money were not an issue?
1. FURNITURE!!! ( We have been here a year and I still have empty places all over my house)
2. SUV
3. Renovate my Kitchen.
Three people I tag
1. Rebbecca Garver
2. Jill
3. mom and dad
Monday, September 29, 2008
Posted by Jen at 5:02 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
1st day of Preschool
I know this is late, but here is Chase on his first day of school. He was so excited to finally start. He was the last one to start. He is going to the high school until his room is finished in October. I wasn't happy about him going to this school. I wanted him to go where he went last year with his other friends and teachers that he already knew. I was happy to find out that they only have 5 students in this class. On Thursday's there is only 2 students. He is getting a lot of one on one and more help with his speech. It goes to show that there is always a plan, but we just don't know what it is all the time. He was happy in this picture I promise. We were late of course so I was in a hurry. No retakes. I have been getting all 4 kids ready by 8:20 am by myself. We will see how long this holds up. We start church at 8:30 in 2 weeks so we can have sacrament first. I was happy to hear about the change in schedule, but not the time. I guess Saturdays are my only day to sleep in yeah right!
Posted by Jen at 5:41 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
School has started!
Wow school has started for all my kids. I was so excited to have this day come. What I wasn't thinking about was how I was going to get them all to 3 different places.
Monday- Chase preschool 8:30
Zack Elementary school 8:35 different school
11:00 pick up Chase
12:30 -1:30 Speech for Chase
3:30 Bus drops off Zack :)
Tuesday Chase preschool 8:30
Zack Elementary school 8:35 different school
Twins preschool 9:00
11:00 pick up Chase
11:30 pick up twins
3:30 Bus drops off Zack
Wednesday Chase preschool 8:30
Zack Elementary school 8:35 different school
Jesse Speech 10:00- 11:00
11:00 pick up Chase
12:30 -1:30 Speech for Chase
3:30 Bus drops off Zack :)
(haven't figured how I am going to pick up Chase at the same time as Jesse gets out of speech I will figured that out tomorrow)
Thursday Chase preschool 8:30
Zack Elementary school 8:35 different school
Twins preschool 9:00
11:00 pick up Chase
11:30 pick up twins
3:30 Bus drops off Zack
Friday Zack's bus will pick him up at 8:30
I was hoping that Chase would start preschool later in the day so Zack's bus could take him to school everyday, but Chase starts school the same time Zack's bus is supposed to come. Chase was going to go to the same school as Zack, but it is under construction and his room isn't ready yet. So he is going to the high school just down the street from the elementary school. Hopefully by Halloween it will be finished. Starting in Oct. Jesse will have speech 2 days a week. I don't know when or where that will be. So even though I have to have ALL 4 ready by 8:20 each morning ( can't seem to get them ready by 8:45 on Sunday's) I had a great 2 hrs today. I went to Walmart and then I went clothes shopping! It was so nice.
Posted by Jen at 1:20 PM 3 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Fun With the In-laws
Yes that can happen!!
Rob's parents came for a week. We were able to have some fun with them. Here are a few things that we did with them.
We went to a Balloon Festival in Colorado Springs. We had one in Tigard that we would go to ever year, but this beat that one hands down. A lot more balloons and booths. More people as well. I could have done with out the people. We didn't walk around much for fear of losing a kid. Zack ran off, but I saw him at least so he wasn't lost for long.We went to Heritage Square here which has an alpine slide and some rides. This one doesn't look bad, but for some reason me and my mother in law got sick on it! Notice Zack and Chase having a blast!
Roller Coaster
No they are not in Jail, but from their faces it looks that way. They didn't like to wait in line.
This was the chair life to the top of the Alpine slide. I was more scared of this then the slide. Not because of heights, but Taylor was looking over the edge the whole time. She is so small that she could have slipped out. She kept telling me to stop holding on to her arm.
The end of the slide
We really had a wonderful day there. It was nice to get out and have some fun.
Posted by Jen at 8:50 AM 3 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
It's been awhile!
My in laws have been here for a week and before that we went camping again. I will have to post more of those pictures later.
The twins started Preschool this week. They started on Tuesday, but I was so late getting them there that I didn't get a picture. So this is from today. They love going to school and being like the big kids. Although Chase doesn't start preschool until Monday (construction on his school is delaying him) .Sunday Jesse wasn't feeling the best so we kept him home from church. He fell asleep eating lunch!
Posted by Jen at 11:54 AM 3 comments