We decorated a gingerbread house for family home evening this week. The kids loved it. To bad they ate most of the candy that goes on top. Today is Wednesday and it almost has no candy on it.I am sure you are wondering why Jesse has no pants on. Well he still isn't potty trained!!!!!!!!!!! I am losing my mind over this kid. If he only has undies on then I catch it quicker and I don't run out of pants either.
3 days ago
too stinking cute!!!!!
You guys are too clever. Where was I when you were that young. Not crafty enough. Love grandma
Hey Jenny!
I'm blog-hopping from Jean's blog. Any luck w/ potty-training Jesse yet? Ethan's been a pain to potty train too! I can commiserate with going through pants fast. It's fun to read about your cute family!
Jennifer Kiefer
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