I think if I were to drink I would be drunk right now!!!!!!!
Today started off just great then I decided that I wanted to change my blog layout to a cuter one. I did and it deleted all of my friend's blog. So I had saved the html link on anther page, but it didn't bring back you guys:( So I go to change it back to the cute layout and it will not work!!! Now I had to choose from one of the not so cute layouts from blogger. There is no number to call you can't even email them, you just write a question in hopes that someone in the blogging world will know the answer. So I was going through trying to restore all of your blogs. One of the kids gets me up from the computer and I walk in the kitchen and notice water coming out of my light! Not a good sign. I ran upstairs and there was no lie, 3 inches of water on my master bathroom floor. Water was also coming into my bedroom on the carpet. I just died. Zack was in the tub with the water running having a time of his life. MY NEW TILE FLOOR!!!!! Do you want the good or the bad news now???
The good news is the bathroom floor seems to be okay. The bad news is that my dining room ceiling has holes in it now from the water dripping. I didn't take a picture because I don't want to remember this! I know it can be fixed, but that is just more money that you don't want to spend!!! I haven't turned on the light yet in the kitchen for fear that it would blow something up. Then I go down into the basement and there is water dripping from the ceiling in there. I have no idea where that water is coming from. I don't have a wet floor on the main level so who knows where that is coming from. To top it off I have had the worst stomach pain all day long! It has come and gone, but of course when I was shoveling water into the tub it was killing me!! I hope my day goes better. Oh yeah now I get to drag 20 wet towels down stairs and wash all of them.
Also is you don't see your name on my sidebar and it is usually there let me know so I can add it:)
4 hours ago
Wow, that does suck! Sorry your day is going so bad, it can only get better, right?
I will pray your day will get better!!!
hey,all I had to deal with so far is a bunch of duck poo on my playroom floor when one of the "extra' kids I have running around in my house forgot to take off their shoes after playing outside.
give those kids hugs for me and remember-someday all these horrible days wil make our kids laugh-and take us out to dinner to make up for how horrid they were to us as children!! LOL
love ya!
ps-go see our blog for pix of Jeremy's grad nite
Hang in there, I can't imagine it could get any worse so I'm sure you will now be on the up side.
You are such a strong woman! You amaze me all the time. Did you even yell? Did a cuss word come out? I would have been freaking out. Hope everything goes better tomorrow!
what a bellyacher! J/K
Good Grief. It's not very fitting to say that down the road you will laugh at this, but you will. I'm sure Zach did have a great time and is not quite sure why it was a big deal to you...after all he had a blast right? Good luck getting it all sorted out and fixed. We're thinking of you. :)
oh my gosh, what a nightmare! It seriously sounds like something that would only be in a movie! I can't help but worry that that'll be us in a few years! :)
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