Yesterday about 3:00 pm Rob and I noticed that it was a little cold in our house. I looked at the thermostat and it said 65 degrees. Not what we had it set to. After playing around with it and looking in the basement at the furnace I knew it was broken. I didn't want to repair it yesterday since it was New Years day and didn't want to pay a higher price. We are lucky that we have 2 furnaces and the one for upstairs for the bedrooms was working. So we piled everyone upstairs for the rest of the day. The kids even got to eat dinner in the playroom. They were so happy. This morning when I came down it was a whopping 52 degrees downstairs. We bundled up for breakfast. No way was I going to have all that milk and cereal on the floor in the playroom. Here is the kids after we ate. You will notice that Zack does not have any pants on. I had to FORCE him just to put on a shirt. He would go outside in nothing if he could in the winter.
Luckily the repair man came by 10 am!
This is what you want to see when your furnace is on BLUE FLAMES we had nothing!!! 195$ dollars later it was fixed. If we had called yesterday it would have been 400$ I am so glad that we waited.
7 hours ago
I love getting to see pictures of the kids!!
The kids have grown tons. Noah still passes your house and says, "There's Zach's House." Which is usually followed by. "wish he still lived there." Do you? Hope all is well!
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